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Images Sources:
● Anonymous, Circular Dish. 1548. Dish, Black lacquer with remnants of gold leaf. LACMA. https://collections.lacma.org/node/192166
● Yokoyama, Sukenaga, Short Sword Blade and Mountings from Daisho Pair of Swords. 18th to 19th Century. Sword, Steel, copper, gold foil, lacquer on wood, shakudo, silk. LACMA. https://collections.lacma.org/node/199044
● Anonymous, Amida Buddha. 1185-1334. Sculpture, Bronze with traces of gilding. LACMA. https://collections.lacma.org/node/191158
● Anonymous, Incense Burner in the Form of an Elephant. 1185-1333, circa 1250. Sculpture, Wood, metal, crystal, and pigments. LACMA.. https://collections.lacma.org/node/213455
● Anonymous, Sword Guard with Demon Design. 1615-1868. Arms and Armor, Tsuba, Iron, copper alloy (?), and gold. LACMA. https://collections.lacma.org/node/190163
● Anonymous, Portrait of Honda Tadakatsu. 17th Century. Hanging scroll; ink and colors on silk. MET Museum. https://www.metmuseum.org/exhibitions/listings/2009/art-of-the-samurai/photo-gallery#
● Anonymous, Circular Tray. 16th Century. Lacquer, Negoro lacquer in black and coral red. LACMA. https://collections.lacma.org/node/191228
● Anonymous, Hanging Lantern (Inrō/Ojime/Netsuke Ensemble). 17th Century. Costumes; Accessories [inrō] lacquer; [ojime] mixed metals; [netsuke] ivory. LACMA. https://collections.lacma.org/node/190002
● Tosa School, Scenes from the Tales of Genji. Late 16th Century. Three-panel folding screen; ink, color, and gold pigment and gold foils on paper. Yale University Art Gallery. https://artgallery.yale.edu/collections/objects/24489
● Sakugen Shuryo, Poem in Chinese (Kanshi). Circa 1540–49. Hanging scroll: ink on paper; with ivory rollers. Yale University Art Gallery. https://artgallery.yale.edu/collections/objects/8674
● Kenkō Shōkei, Hermit in a Spring Landscape. late 15th–early 16th century. Hanging scroll, ink on paper, ivory rollers. Yale University Art Gallery. https://artgallery.yale.edu/collections/objects/26442
● Anonymous, Orange-laced Domaru-type Suit of Armor. Late 18th to mid-19th century. Armor, lacquered iron with silk lacing, and painted deer hides. Yale University Art Gallery. https://artgallery.yale.edu/collections/objects/127216
● Tosa Mitsuyoshi (Inscription by Sakugen Shūryō), Portrait of Ashikaga Yoshiteru. 1577. Colors on silk. Wikimedia Commons. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ashikaga_Yoshiteru.jpg
● Iwai Yozaemon, Armour (Dōmaru). 1580-1610. Iron, gilt-copper alloy, shakudō, lacquer, silk, horsehair, deerskin. Royal Collection Trust. https://www.rct.uk/collection/71611/armour-domaru
● Anonymous, Armor of Honda Tadakatsu. Late 16th century. Iron lacquer, leather, wood, papier-mâché, and silk. MET Museum. https://www.metmuseum.org/exhibitions/listings/2009/art-of-the-samurai/photo-gallery#
● Mino School, Tsuba, Mino school, 16th century. 16th century. Iron. Tokyo National Museum/Wikimedia Commons https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Tsuba,_Mino_school,_6th_century,_Tokyo_National_Museum.JPG
● Utagawa Yoshitora, A Great Battle from the Record of the Ônin War. 1847-52. Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston/Wikimedia Commons https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Onin-War-1467-1477-The-Battle-of-Onin-by-Utagawa-Yoshitora.png
● Unsigned/Taira-Takada, Antique Japanese Sword (Katana). Muromachi Period. Iron, Shark Skin. Samurai Museum Shop (Bungo, Oita Prefecture). https://www.samuraimuseum.jp/shop/product/antique-japanese-sword-katanamumei-taira-takadanbthk-hozon-paper/
● Unknown (Inscription by Isetsu Keiju), Portrait of Ōuchi Yoshitaka. 1557. Colors on Silk. Ryūfuku-ji Temple. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:%C5%8Cuchi_Yoshitaka.jpg
● Kanō Sōshū, Portrait of Oda Nobunaga. 1583. Hanging scroll; Color on paper. Chōkō-ji, Toyota, Aichi, Japan. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Odanobunaga.jpg
● Unknown, Shinnari-type iron tea kettle depicting maple leaves, a stream, and chickens. Muromachi period, 15th century. Iron. Kyushu National Museum. https://emuseum.nich.go.jp/detail?langId=en&webView=&content_base_id=100019&content_part_id=0&content_pict_id=0
● Saotome Iyetada, Armor (Tōsei Gusoku). About 1550. Lacquer, wood, iron and silk. Birmingham Museum of Art. https://www.artsbma.org/july-2014-armor/