Tsuchimikado Arinaga


Tsuchimikado Arinaga (1527-1577) was a high-ranking Sengoku courtier who held the onmyoji position. This clerical-like role referred to people who performed prayers and were in change of other divination rituals within the institution of the court. In an effort to maintain influence and secure some of his critical landholdings, Arinaga proffered services to warriors. Sometimes, this would include performing important rituals of empowerment, where in 1553, Arinaga ordained warlord Takeda Nobutoyo via such ritual. In addition to this, the very presence of a high-ranking courtier such as Arinaga in warrior band could be a critical legitimating force of violence. Nobunaga, in 1570, employed Arinaga’s presence at the battlefront in Settsu – a site of Ikko sectarian resistance. His presence within Nobunaga’s armies indicates a wider practice that warriors carried out in this period: employing diviners, and then using them to assist their battlefield endeavors. The experiences of Tsuchimikado Arinaga indicates the continued relevance of high-ranking courtiers’ presence and services, where warriors often adhered to institutions of the past to legitimate their actions.

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